SPECIALTY FATS Kauri has extensive experience with specialty fats and a comprehensive range to meet the markets traditional and changing needs, including low trans and non-hydrogenated fats which provide the ability to formulate products to meet current health demands.
Cocoa Butter Equivalent | Cocoa Butter Improver | Cocoa Butter Replacer | Cocoa Butter Substitute | Coating Fat | Creaming Fat | Dough Fat | Ghee | General Confectionery Fats | Hydrogenated Fats | Structuring & Binding Fat | Ice Cream Fat | Margarine Base Stock | Shortenings | Spray Dried Fats & Oils | Trans Free Fats
MARGARINE & BUTTER SUBSTITUTES Kauri has a range of margarines and butter substitutes available that are competitively priced with great flavour and functionality. These products are ideal for bakery applications and are a feasible alternative to butter. The range consists of the following:
Butter Blend | Butter Oil Substitute | Cake Margarine | Industrial Margarine | Pastry Base Nuggets | Pastry Margarine | Puff Pastry Margarine | Pie Base Fat | Table Margarine